What do the numbers mean in the lens descriptions?
The numbers you see such as: 1.50, 1.56, 1.61, 1.67, or 1.74 refer to the index (degree) of refraction the lens provides. This means how much the light that enters the lens is refracted (bent) as it passes through the lens.
What type of lenses do you offer?
1.50 Value Lenses
· Conventional single-vision lenses
· Good for an SPH correction of ±2.25 and below, and CYL correction of ±1.50 and below
· Anti-scratch included
· Anti-reflective and UV protection selectable
1.56 Standard Lenses
· Thinner and lighter than 1.50 index lenses
· Can handle an SPH correction between ±5.00 and ±2.50, and CYL corrections of ±3.00 and below
· Anti-scratch included
· Anti-reflective and UV protection selectable
1.61 Popular Lenses
· Super-thin lens option, no compromise on vision or style
· Recommend for an SPH correction between ±4.25 and ±6.75, and CYL correction between ±2.25 and ±3.00
· Anti-scratch included
· Anti-reflective and UV protection selectable
1.67 Advanced lenses
· Ultra-thin lenses designed for stronger prescriptions
· Recommend for an SPH correction between ±7.00 and ±9.00, and CYL correction between ±3.25 and ±4.00
· Anti-scratch included
· Anti-reflective and UV protection selectable
1.74 Premium lenses (Extremely thin)
· Our thinnest lens designed for very strong prescriptions
· Best for an SPH correction of ±9.25 or above, and CYL corrections between ±4.25 and ±6.00
· Anti-scratch included
· Anti-reflective and UV protection selectable
Non-prescription sun
Polarized CR-39 lenses
· Thin and light plastic lenses
· The majority of our non-prescription lenses are polarized to reduce glare
· Equipped with anti-scratch coating and offer 100% UV protection
· Included with purchase of non-prescription sunglasses
Prescription sun
High-index sun lenses
· Thinner lenses designed for stronger prescriptions
· Polarized to reduce glare
· Equipped with anti-scratch coating and offer 100% UV protection
How to choose from available lenses index?
We offer lenses with different index. The higher the prescription, the thinner and lighter the lens recommended.
Thinner Lenses (1.56 Middle Index lens)-Work with Low-to-moderate prescriptions of SPH (0 to ±4.0) and CYL (0 to ±2.0). If your prescription exceeds this range, we recommend you to upgrade your lens index.
Super Thin Lenses (1.61 High Index lens)-It is suitable for prescriptions of SPH ( ±4.0 to ±6.0 ), CYL(0 to ±2.0). Meet people’s require for thin and light lenses.
Ultra Thin Lenses (High Index 1.67)- These lenses are suitable for prescriptions of SPH ( ±6.0 to ±8.0), CYL (0 to ±3.0). Meet people’s require for much thinner and lighter lenses.
Extreme Thin Lenses (High Index 1.74)- The thinnest and lightest lenses available on the optical market. These lenses are recommended for prescriptions of SPH (above ±8.0, CYL above ±3.0). (SPH ± 8.00 --) (CYL ±3.0 --)
What is Single Vision Lens? What is Far Distance Lens? What is Mid Distance Lens? What is Reading Lens?
Single Vision Lens: are standard prescription eyeglasses. These glasses only have one viewing area throughout the entire lens and the correctional area can be for far distance, mid distance or reading.
Far Distance Lens: If you wear glasses all day and mostly need these glasses to see things in the distance. (e.g. for driving)
Mid Distance Lens: If you mostly need these glasses to work before computer or something else at arm’s length.
Reading Lens: If you need to read things close to you. (Papers, document, etc.)
How do i enter my rx, one eye is far sighted and the other is near sighted.

What are Bifocal Lenses (with a line)?
Bifocal Lenses with a Line: bifocal lenses have two points of focus. A small portion of the lens is reserved for the near-vision correction. The rest of the lens is usually for a distance correction.
Generally, when focusing on points farther away, you look up and through the distance portion of the lens. When focusing on reading material or near work up to about 18 inches away, you look down and through the bifocal segment of the lens. All bifocal eyeglasses at our website are made of plastic index 1.56 and it comes automatically with anti-glare, anti-scratch and UV protection coatings. (except polarized lenses)
What is the difference between single-vision and progressive lenses?
Single-vision lenses offer one correction throughout the entire lens (usually for distance or reading). Progressive lenses offer multiple focal corrections in one lens, providing a seamless transition from distance correction on top to reading correction on bottom. This means you can see your whole field of vision without switching between multiple pairs of glasses.
Do you offer bifocal or progressive lenses?
Yes! We offer progressive glasses and progressive sunglasses. We also offer bifocal lenses
How are bifocal and free-form progressive lenses divided?
Typically, 60% of the lens height is reserved for distance vision and 40% for reading
What are Progressive Lenses without line? (What is Free-Form Progressive Lenses?)
Progressives provide a smooth transition from distance through intermediate to near, with all the in-between corrections included as well. You can look up to see anything in the distance, look ahead to view your computer in the intermediate zone, and drop your gaze downward to read and do fine work comfortably in the close zone. That’s to say, progressive lenses are the closest to how natural vision is that you can get in a pair of prescription eyeglasses.
What are photochromic lenses?
Photochromic lenses are specially treated to turn dark when exposed to UV light. When the lenses are out of the sunlight, they become clear again. This feature offers great comfort to wearers. Photochromic lenses come with anti-reflective, anti-scratch, and 100% UV protection coatings.
What are Polarized lenses?
A Polarized lens is a sunglass lens that greatly reduces the glare from light that is Polarized horizontally, meaning the light reflecting off horizontal surfaces, such as a white sidewalk, a white-sand beach, snow, or sunlight reflecting on water.
What are Tint Lenses?
Tint Lenses are colored lenses and opposed to the changeable photochromic ones, the colors remain constant all the time. Tints are available on our glasses with the following colors: green, brown, grey, blue and purple (available 50% and 80%). Light tints are used primarily for fashion purposes to enhance a wearer's looks. Darker tints allow the wearer to use the lenses as sunglasses.
What lens tint is right for me?
Do you want a tint to make your glasses dark sunglasses? Then go with a standard 80 percent tint.
If you just want a light tint, as a fashion statement or for eyestrain, go with a 50 percent tint.
A 50% tint, in brown or purple, reduces eyestrain and is good for activities requiring visual contrast. A 50% purple tint is recommended for people sensitive to light, especially people who get migraine headaches.
Can I order lenses that are both color tinted and photochromic?
Unfortunately, no. Due to the way basic color tint and photochromic are applied, they cannot be applied to the same lens and you must choose one or the other.
What’s the best way to clean my lenses?
To clean your lenses, simply rinse them with a mild dish soap and lukewarm water, and dry them with a soft cloth. For day-to-day cleaning of light smudges, a few swipes of the glasses cloth included in your case should do the trick. Please be careful to avoid using hot water on your lenses (especially if they are high-index lenses), as they can develop bubbles or cracks when exposed to high heat.
What lens coatings do you sell?
All our lenses (except polarized lenses which come with Anti-Scratch and Full UV Protection coating) come with Anti-Glare, Anti-Scratch Coating and full UV Protection coating that are free.
What are the coatings available with Leopituqe?
Anti-Scratch Coating
Anti-Scratch coating for eyeglasses is a coating that is applied to lens surfaces. It helps to prevent minor scratches that can easily happen to a regular lens. These minor scratches can damage the surface of the lens and impair vision. An anti-scratch coating acts as a protective layer thus making the lenses more durable.
UV Protection Coating
UV Coating is a beneficial lens treatment. It is an invisible dye that blocks ultraviolet (UV) light. Just as sunscreen keeps the sun's UV rays from harming your skin, UV-protective treatments for eyeglasses lenses block those same rays from damaging your eyes.
Anti-reflective coating
As light encounters a lens three things happen. Some of the light passes through the lens, this is called refraction, some is absorbed and converted into heat energy (very small amounts) and the rest bounces off. When light bounces off the lens this creates glare. To improve both the vision through the lenses and the appearance of the glasses, an anti-reflective coating (also called AR coating) is applied.
An anti-glare coating
An anti-glare coating reduces glare by scattering and filtering out hazardous blue light, as emitted by oncoming traffic and other light sources. On the light spectrum, blue light has the shortest wavelength and largest amount of energy: making it most likely to cause glare. Usually driving lenses contain anti-glare coating.
Can I purchase lenses by themselves?
Sorry, we are unable to sell lenses independent of their frame.
What material is used in your lenses?
Our standard 1.56 and below lenses are made from polycarbonate, which are far thinner and lighter than traditional plastic (CR-39) or glass lenses. Polycarbonate is the most impact-resistant material available and offers 100% UV protection.
For stronger prescriptions or customers wanting thinner lenses, we offer 1.67 polyurethane optical and prescription sun lenses. These are thinner and lighter than our standard lenses.
Don’t plastic lenses scratch?
Our polycarbonate and polyurethane lenses are ultra durable, but we still add an anti-scratch coating to reinforce the protection at no additional cost to you.
What are the numbers and circles on my progressive lenses?
Those are progressive markings. The lens itself is a progressive lens (also known as a no-line bifocal) that should let the wearer see distance as well as their up-close reading without having to swap between a single distance pair and a reading pair. On each lens will be two of those circles (or other identifying mark depending on the manufacturer of the lens, but are always the same in each lens). The 100 (suppose you can see a number “100” on your lenses) is the reading power like what you would get from an over the counter generic reader from a drugstore. The markings themselves are for aligning exactly where the point in the lens is that starts changing from your distance Rx to your reading Rx, which is the same point that we use to check the Rx itself for quality control. The other circle will be closer to the nose of the lens, possibly partially cut off depending on measurements and whatnot, with another identifying mark where the 100 would be. If you look carefully enough you will also see the same markings in the other lens of your glasses. The marks are close enough to your eye they they wont impact your vision in any meaningful way, as they are out of your main vision corridor in the lens, so even if you manage to look directly through the marks while wearing them, the power you are looking through won't be very helpful anyway.