Exploring Eyeglass Frame Materials: A Guide to Choosing the Right One

When selecting a pair of eyeglasses, the frame material plays a crucial role in determining not only the durability and comfort but also the overall style of the eyewear. With a wide array of frame materials available, it's essential to understand their characteristics and benefits. In this article, we will explore the most common frame materials used in eyeglasses and help you make an informed decision when choosing your next pair.

Eyeglasses and Pupillary Distance: An Essential Factor for Comfortable Vision

When it comes to selecting and wearing eyeglasses, pupillary distance is a crucial factor. Proper pupillary distance adjustment ensures the alignment between the eyeglasses' optical centers and the pupils, providing a clear and comfortable visual experience. This article will discuss the concept of eyeglasses and pupillary distance, methods for measuring pupillary distance, and why pupillary distance is vital for wearing eyeglasses correctly.

With this, you no longer have to worry about not understanding the optometry list!

Every time we go to the optical shop for optometry, we see a series of "Martian characters", a confused water, ask the optometrist's own eyes, and they are all just words, not to say more, as if I was afraid that I know that the degree is not in his glasses. Like, it is very uncomfortable! And as the owner of our own eyes, it is necessary and obligatory to understand our eye health, so my friends of myopia, I have summarized the prescriptions commonly used in optometry, you must be patient The following content is finished!

How to measure your pupillary distance

Pupillary distance is measured in millimeters from the center of one pupil to the center of another pupil. This measurement helps to ensure that your prescription is properly centered in the spectacle lens for the clearest and most accurate vision. PD represents the pupillary distance, which is measured from the right pupil to the left pupil. The PD of the adult is between 54-74. The children are between 43-54.

What is a single PD or dual PD?

What is a single PD or dual PD? Dual PD is the measurement from the center of each pupil to the center of the bridge of your nose