What’re Progressive glasses
Progressives provide a smooth transition from distance through intermediate to near, with all the in-between corrections included as well. You can look up to see anything in the distance, look ahead to view your computer in the intermediate zone, and drop your gaze downward to read and do fine work comfortably in the close zone. That’s to say, progressive lenses are the closest to how natural vision is that you can get in a pair of prescription eyeglasses.
Advantages of progressive lens
A smooth transition from distance through intermediate to near, no need of two pairs of glasses, no image jumps. Compare against bifocal, no line on lens, better appearance.
Progressive lens Disadvantage
The price is relatively expensive as the processing technology is complex. It may take a few days to a week to get used to it.
What’re progressive glasses look like
Who need progressive glasses
1. As the human eye degrades with aging, lens gradually hardens, causing the eye to focus light behind rather than on the retina when looking at close objects. This is the presbyopia. This phenomenon is common among middle-aged and elderly people over the age of 40.
2. If you only have either myopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness), you only need single vision lenses, but if you have presbyopia and one of those two vision problems at the same time, you need lenses that improve the way you see both near and far-away objects.
3. Some types of occupational progressive lenses are available for specific jobs. Tell your eye doctor if your need a special pair of glasses because of work. Like if you drive a car on high-speed road, you need look distance, and see how much oil is left.
4. Hence, if you need two pairs of glasses for reading and distance use, progressive glasses may fit you.
What's the difference between progressive and bifocal
1. Bifocals help you get far and near vision only, and will generate image jumps when you look near after you see distance.
2. You will get continuous vision at distant, middle, and near focal ranges with progressive lens, and with no lines, no annoying image jumps.
3. progressive lens will be more expensive than bifocals. But the extra price is worthy of its value.
Which frames can make as progressive lenses.
Most frames can be fitted with progressive lenses. The design technology of progressive lenses is very advanced. You can also choose smaller frames. In general, progressive glasses made in frames with a lens height of 30mm - 36mm are better.
Where buy progressive glasses
You can choose a pair of progressive glasses on leoptique.com, choose a glasses frame, and select multifocal lenses, then progressive. Leoptique.com makes stylish and affordable eyeglasses easy to own.